Jorge Gonzalez 教授/Professor
Jorge Gonzalez博士现为美国休斯顿大学教育学院教授,其研究领域为:家庭教育,心理健康和早期阅读、分享阅读等。Jorge Gonzalez博士曾主持多项联邦资助研究课题,其中多项为长期追踪研究,研究成果具有很大的影响力, 已在国际权威与核心杂志发表多篇论文,研究成果颇丰。
Dr. Jorge Gonzalez is a Professor in the Department of Psychological Health and Learning Sciences at College of Education, University of Houston. His scholarship focuses on the causes and correlates of early language and literacy difficulties in young children with a focus on adult-child interactive reading in the context of dual language learners. His works address inquiries relevant to children’s home literacy environment (HLE), the effects of teacher talk around shared reading, longitudinal effects of evidence based shared reading interventions, and investigating the heterogeneous nature language and literacy subtypes of at-risk children. Dr. Gonzalez has been a Principal Investigator of several federal-level grants.