王敬欣 教授/Professor
王敬欣,女,山东潍坊人。现为天津师范大学心理与行为研究院教授、博士生导师,天津市“131”创新工程第一层次人才,天津市宣传文化“五个一批”人才,天津市高校中青年骨干创新人才,天津师范大学“国家级高端人才培育计划”人选,海河英才教授,国家自然科学基金通讯评议专家;国家级重点学科“发展与教育心理学”骨干成员,国家级教学团队“基础心理学”和教师教育国家级精品课程资源“儿童发展”的核心成员,曾作为国家留学基金委公派访问学者至英国南安普顿大学心理学院进行为期一年半的国际交流与合作研究。已主持完成国家级课题3项,教育部人文社科基地重大项目1项,省部级项目3项。在国内外重要期刊上共发表论文60余篇,其中SCI/SSCI检索15篇,学科级期刊16篇,CSSCI期刊多篇,1篇SSCI论文成为web of Science的高被引论文,多项研究成果在国际学术会议上进行报告并获好评。近五年来获天津市教育科学研究优秀成果奖一等奖1项,作为天津市科技支撑项目的主要成员获天津市科技进步二等奖1项,获中国心理学会学科级期刊《心理学报》和《心理科学》年度优秀论文奖共3项。目前主要研究方向为不同年龄群体的语言认知发展过程、情绪和注意加工过程的行为与脑机制研究。
Professor Wang Jingxin, female, born in Weifang of Shandong Province, now working for the Academy of Psychology and Behaviours at Tianjin Normal University. She is the first-tier talent of Tianjin “131” Innovation Project, the young and middle-aged innovative talent in the universities of Tianjin. She has been also listed in the “National High-end Talents Training Program” of Tianjin Normal University and Haihe Elite Professors. She serves as the expert reviewer of National Natural Science Foundation of China, the core member for the national key discipline: Development and Educational Psychology, the national teaching team: Basic Psychology, the national excellent course resources for teacher education: Children Development. As a visiting scholar, she was sponsored by China Scholarship Council and went to the School of Psychology at University of Southampton for the international exchange and cooperative research for one and a half years. She has completed three national projects, one major project of Social Sciences Base of Education Ministry and three provincial -level projects as the principal investigator. She has published more than 60 papers in total in the major journals both at home and abroad including 15 pieces are in the SCI/SSCI index and 16 are in the top journals of this subject, several papers are in the CSSCI index and one SSCI paper is the most-cited in web of Science. She has presented her research findings in international academic conferences and received decent feedback. In the last five years, she was awarded the first prize in the excellent achievement of education science research in Tianjin and the second prize of the Science Progress in Tianjin as the main participant of science supporting program. In addition, she has won the annual excellent paper prize in the top subject journals established by Chinese Psychological Society: Acta Psychologica Sinca and Psychological Science for three times. Her current research interests include the language cognition and development of different age groups, the research on behaviours and brain mechanism of emotion and attention processing.