Kristy Timmons Assistant Professor
Queen’s University
Kristy Timmons is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at Queen’s University. Kristy completed her MA in Child Study and Education at the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study, University of Toronto and her PhD in Developmental Psychology and Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto. Kristy’s teaching experience spans the early years, elementary, undergraduate and graduate levels. Her research interests centre on the processes that influence young children’s learning, engagement, and self-regulation. Within this broad focus, she has carried out research with children, families, and pre- and in- service educators. These studies include: the implementation and impact of full-day kindergarten in Ontario, family literacy intervention programs, pre-service early childhood educators’ beliefs about children’s learning, and the influence of expectations on learning outcomes. More specifically, Kristy’s current research explores the influence of educator and child expectations on kindergarten children’s literacy and self-regulation outcomes.