Liying Cheng 教授/Professor
Liying Cheng 博士, 现为加拿大女皇大学教育学院正教授。她先后在中国大陆、中国香港以及加拿大的大学工作过。她的主要研究方向是教育评估与测量、语言测试和大规模测试对课堂教学的影响。她曾获得1998年度教育测试服务中心(ETS)颁发的托福杰出博士论文奖和2002年度的英语第二语言教学领导才能奖。到目前为止,Cheng教授已出版文章、著作超过140篇/部,已获得科研资助金约1700万加元,指导研究生超过100名。
Dr. Liying Cheng is a Professor and Director of Assessment and Evaluation Group (AEG) in the Faculty of Education at Queen’s University in Canada. Dr. Cheng has taught a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses at the pre-service, professional development and graduate levels at a number of universities in Canada, Hong Kong, and China. Her primary research interests are the impact of large-scale testing on instruction, the relationships between assessment and instruction, and the academic and professional acculturation of international and new immigrant students, workers, and professionals to Canada. She received the TOEFL award for outstanding dissertation in second/foreign language testing from Educational Testing Services in 1998, TESOL Leadership Mentoring Award from TESOL in 2002, and a Prize for Excellence in Research Excellence in 2017.
Dr. Cheng’s scholarship impact has been demonstrated by research funding of 1.7 million Canadian dollars, the publication of more than 140 refereed books, book chapters, and journal articles, the presentations of 220 plenary, academic and professional papers, and the supervision of more than 100 graduate students so far. Her recent books include Assessment in the Language Classroom: Teachers Supporting Student Learning (co-authored with J. Fox, 2017); Language classroom assessment (single-authored, TESOL, Inc., 2013); English Language Assessment and the Chinese Learner (co-edited with A. Curtis, Taylor & Francis, 2010)