Core Philosophies
Currently, with the increasing trend of globalization, multiple cultures have been interacted and converged, the information and communications have been updated in an unprecedented pace. How the university education embraces the time and cultivated the innovative talents?
It should be started from the teaching of the front-line teacher:
Improve the innovation, influence and implementation of the teaching
Embrace the trends of digital age
Establish the innovative philosophies in talents cultivation
Transform the traditional ways of knowledge transmission
Create the new forms and value for future universities jointly
XJTLU National University Teaching Innovation Award is sponsored by Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University and organized by Institute of Leadership and Education Advanced Development(ILEAD). It aims to discover the award a group of teachers in higher education institutions with the “student-centered” teaching philosophy, spreading the innovative actions in “student-centered” teaching reform. Thus, a platform for sharing, communication, learning can be built for teachers who dedicated to teaching innovation so that the education reform in Chinese higher education can be promoted.
Sponsors: Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Organizer:Institutes of Leadership and Education Advanced Development
Supporter: Macao Tong Chai Charity Association, K2 Foundation
Personal Awards
One grand prize, three first prize, seven second prize and nine third prize winners accompanied with several excellent wards are selected annually in the Teaching Innovation Award (80% of the total participants). All the participants will be rewarded the participatory award for annual teaching innovation after submitting materials successfully. The Best Popularity Award will be given to the candidate raking in the top position in the public vote. The maximal 30,000 RMB will be granted to the winner and all of them can gain the membership of “Education Innovation Excellence” for one year.
All the winners are interviewed by the organizing committees every year and their cases for innovative practice will be published and publicized by shooting related video programs accessible on television and internet platforms.
Grand Prize for Annual Teaching Innovation (One Winner), The winner will be granted 50.000 RMB, the award certificate; and he/she will be appointed as the research fellow and training lecturer by ILEAD. Also, the one-year membership of "Education Innovation Excellence" programme will be entitled.
First Prize for Annual Teaching Innovation (Three Winners), The winners will be granted 30.000 RMB, the award certificates and they will be appointed as the research fellows and training lecturers by ILEAD. Also, the one-year membership of “Education Innovation Excellence” programme will be entitled.
Second Prize for Annual Teaching Innovation (Seven Winners), The winners will be granted 10.000 RMB, the award certificates and they will be appointed as the research fellows and training lecturers by ILEAD. Also, the one-year membership of “Education Innovation Excellence” programme will be entitled.
Third Prize for Annual Teaching Innovation (Nine Winners), The winners will be granted 5000RMB, the award certificates and they will be appointed as the research fellows and training lectures by ILEAD. Also, the one-year membership of "Education Innovation Excellence" programme will be entitled.
Excellent Awards for Annual Teaching Innovation (Several Winners), The winners will be awarded the certificates and they have the opportunity to be appointed as the research fellows and training lecturers by ILEAD. Also, the one-year membership of “Education Innovation Excellence” programme will be entitled.
Participatory Awards for Annual Teaching Innovation (All the Participants), The winners will be awarded the certificates and they have the opportunity to be appointed as the research fellows and training lecturers by ILEAD. Also, the one-year membership of “Education Innovation Excellence” programme will be entitled.
The Best Popularity Award, The candidate who ranks the top in the public vote will be awarded the certificate.
Organization Award
Organization Award for Teaching Innovation: The universities with more than ten candidates in this competition will be rewarded the “Teaching Innovation Organization Award” by the organization committee. These universities are awarded for their contribution to the XJTLU National University Teaching Innovation Award, encouraging them to cultivate and support teacher’s teaching innovation, organizing the teachers initiatively to participate in this event. All the universities will be awarded the certificated and acknowledge by the sponsor in the publication.
All the participants will be invited to attend the “2018 Annual Conference in Higher Education Innovation” & Awarding Ceremony for XJTLU National University Teaching Innovation Award organized by the committee. The annual conference fees of the first 20 winners and the representatives of organizing universities will be afforded by the sponsor and the rest of the candidates can enjoy the discount.
Judging Criteria
The core of the competition is to improve students learning experience, it focuses on the extent of improvement of students’ learning experience through the teacher’s innovative teaching practice in the judgment. In addition, it promotes and encourages the teaching innovative philosophies and methods catering to the needs of time and the future; moreover, this kind of practice can be borrowed and referenced by others education practitioners.
The experts panel will make the judgment from three dimensions: innovation (50%), influence (30%), popularity (20%). See below for the specific judging criteria (the appendix for the marking form).
Innovation: Innovate new teaching philosophies, strategies and methods catering to students’ needs for learning and growth.
Influence: Students’ learning experience and achievements have been improved remarkably through the innovative practice.
Popularity: The teaching innovation can be applied widely and has the value for promotion in Chinese higher education reform.
Experts Judging Panel
The panel consists of practitioners and researchers in education and curriculum of various disciplines in higher education worldwide.
The onsite panel consists of practitioners, scholar, senior media people and student representatives, etc.
This competition is free from any fees for participants. You can register by the following ways: the secretariat will review the qualification (see the “participants”) within two working days and confirm the successful registration via email.
Application Materials
The organizing committee encourages the participants to demonstrate the methods and achievements of students’ benefits by the formative materials and data through the practice within one semester.
The materials to be submitted are as following:
Application Form
Personal/Team Photo
Five-minute micro video or 20-page PPT
Unified Naming for Application Materials: Teaching Competition+ Your University+ Your Name+ Subject
Example: Teaching Competition+ XJTLU+ Dr. Chen Bing+ Research-led Teaching and submit the materials in the website. 。
The specific requirements
Application Form: including personal resume, around 2000 words statement (clearly starting the teaching practice of the candidate and the evidences of students’ benefits, including words and photos), the key innovation of teaching practice and its popularity, in the form of WORD document for submission.
Photo: Should be the candidate or the teaching team, both the suite photo and teaching scenario photo are acceptable.
Micro-video within 5 minutes or PPT within 20 pages: the content should include the introduction for your innovative practice, the students’ comments, the teaching scenarios. The video should be clear in picture and voice. The format for naming the video/PPT is: Teaching Competition+ Your University+ Your Name+ Subject, Example: Teaching Competition+ XJTLU+ Dr. Wang+ Research-led Teaching
The working team of the sponsor will shoot the video for each candidate for the audition, which can be used for the registration directly.
All contestants who sign up for the contest will receive: the qualification of the 4th XJTLU National University Teaching Innovation Competition; the video material shared by the individual; the expert on-site review; the certificate of honor; the one-year leadership and education frontier of Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Member of the Institute; can be a guest of the Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Leadership and Education Frontier Research Institute.
The winners of the first, second and third prizes of the annual teaching innovation of the previous “XJTLU National University Teaching Innovation Competition”,
If you sign up for this competition, you need to submit a different practice content than the previous teaching innovations. Previous awards, participation winners or unsuccessful contestants can continue to use the previously reported cases for this competition. -
In the public voting session, each voter can vote for up to five different contestants during the entire event, and malicious billing is strictly prohibited.
The Public Voting Forum will closely monitor the voting background data and conduct voting behavior analysis from 3 to 4 pm every day during the voting period based on the overall trend of votes, voting time and voting IP source. If there is a non-technical abnormality in the number of votes of the contestants, the organizing committee will first suspend the voting of the contestant, immediately start the investigation procedure, and ask the contestants to provide corresponding evidence to explain the change of votes within 24 hours. If the information that cannot be provided or provided is inconsistent with the voting behavior, the organizing committee has the right to deduct the abnormal voting. If the player has a similar situation for the second time, the organizing committee has the right to cancel the qualification.
The organizer has the right to use the application materials provided by the contestants in the contest. The relevant content can be publicly released on the organizer's official website, WeChat public account and Weibo, and used in external media and publications.
Anyone who applies for registration is deemed to have read the rules carefully and agrees with the details of the rules.
Organizing Committee and Contact
Secretariat: Institute of Leadership and Education Advanced Development of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Enquiry:Ms. Yi 0512-88161893 innovation@xjtlu.edu.cn
The Institute of Leadership and Education Advanced Development of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University reserved the right of final explanation for this guideline.
Regional Seminar
Education Innovator Conference
Contest Judges
Contest Process
Works Exhibition

成长型思维的人相信学习能带来成长和提升,因此会投入很多努力。固定型思维的人认为学习是检测天赋水准的“考验”,如果足够聪明,就不需要努力,如果不聪明,也不需要浪费时间去努力。众多研究表明,成长型思维在商业职场、人际关系、教育等众多领域,都发挥着非常重要的作用。我们按照循序渐进,深入浅出的原则,精心设计,反复修订,形成了四个模块:生活适应,学业发展,人际交往和压力管理,每个模板通过知识与场景的结合,不仅可以将成长型思维通过情景式教学展现给学生,学生还可以参与进情景中扮演角色,促进认知转变,更可以发展自己的个人剧本。 本研究即致力于边探索边总结,从大学生心理健康教育的实践需要入手,参考国内外相关培养模式,经过若干年的探索和改进,最后出现一个较为稳定,认识较统一的课程内容体系。该体系包含了互有联系,互相支持,互有补益的多个模块,且具有一定的弹性和包容度,可以随着后续的实践和理论发展,不断地更新与完善。


