Teaching with English as the Medium of Instruction (TEMI) Programme

    Registration period :2022.01.04 ~ 2022.07.18
    Activity period:2022.07.19 ~ 2021.07.20
    Location:Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China
    Host:Institute of Leadership and Education Advanced Development
¥ 4200.00
Early bird price: 3600.00 Available period: 2022.01.04 ~ 2022.07.08



There are an ever growing number of programmes of all levels and in all kinds of education institution being delivered with English as the Medium of Instruction (EMI) around the world to meet the demands of globalization. Delivering a programme in English is much more than just translating lectures from one language to another and because the demands are greater and differences on both teachers and students, the need for effective training and development is greater than ever. Here at XJTLU we have carried out such training for hundreds of teachers with fantastic results.

Our training in Teaching with English as the Medium of Instruction (TEMI) is more than just a teacher training course. It represents professional transformation in terms of practice, linguistic awareness and classroom confidence to overcome the challenges of a new mode of delivery.


TEMI training is aimed at teachers and education managers

  • from China and all around the world

  • who are currently teaching any subject in higher education or in elementary or high schools with English as the Medium of Instruction

  • who are planning new courses with English as the Medium of Instruction

  • who have students who may wish to study overseas

  • who have or will have international students

  • who are meeting the needs of new education policies


Knowledges and skills

Our TEMI teaching model is to foster a student-centred active learning environment grounded in your students’ actual needs. It does this by developing teachers’ confidence in delivering their courses in English and by raising their awareness of the challenges and practical issues that come with this mode of delivery. The courses focus on effective communication skills and on classroom practices that maximize student learning and involvement.  On the course you will also receive practical training in how to design and deliver a TEMI curriculum.


Training sessions

Individual institutions can select the areas they wish to focus on. Among the areas we deliver on are the following:

  • Effective classroom communication in English

  • Intelligibility and comprehensibility for instruction; pacing and intonation, not accent and native-ness

  • Negotiated meaning and spontaneity over grammar

  • How to give lectures in English and teach large classes

  • Interactive and student-centred teaching methods

  • Helping students understand their subject in English

  • Creating and selecting effective teaching materials

  • Using institutional resources

  • Collaborating with institutional language experts

  • Creating supportive Communities of Practice

  • Classroom management for interactive learning

  • New technologies and learning software

  • Curriculum transfer: not just translation but creation

  • The flipped classroom method of teaching: maximizing student involvement and learning

  • Non-native speaker teacher identity and the internationalization of education

  • Leading research using English language materials

  • International models of practice and meeting international educational standards

  • Meeting the communicative conventions of your academic discipline

  • Text analysis: teaching your students how to communicate in their academic discipline

  • Ongoing language development resources for teachers and students


A four lens approach

Our TEMI training has four philosophical strands that we follow: 

  •  Pedagogies and teaching practice appropriate to employability and quality learning experience for both home and international students

  •  Meeting and developing international quality assurance standards

  •  Language awareness evolving into expertise for curriculum transfer and delivery 

  •  Facilitating professional identity through communities of practice and professional learning associations 


Downloads: 第三届专业课全英文教学研修盖章版邀请函

Registration and Consultation

For organizations and individuals who wish to sign up for participation, please fill in the registration form on the ILEAD website.

For enquiries about registration, please contact

Shanshan Shi: Shanshan.Shi@XJTLU.edu.cn; 

Instructor Biography

Youmin Xi

Xiaojun Zhang





Simon Sheridan

Kathryn Paterson


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