Mary Barbara Trube 教授/Professor
Mary Barbara Trube博士, 毕业于美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,现为美国俄亥俄大学教育学院教授及沃顿大学兼聘教授。她曾先后担任俄亥俄大学帕顿教育学院院长助理、俄亥俄大学迟利卡瑟分校学前教育专业负责人,俄亥俄大学专业发展合作项目助理,其主要研究领域为教师教育、学前教育及课程研究等。Trube教授从事英语浸入式项目的教学研究工作长达15年,期间曾多次访问中国,并积极参与英语浸入式教材编写、幼儿英语教师培训等大量工作。已发表学术论文35篇,并出版著作多部。
Dr. Mary Barbara Trube is Professor of Education Emerita at Ohio University-Chillicothe and dissertation mentor and contributing faculty at Walden University. She is a former faculty and Assistant Dean of Academic Engagement and Outreach in The Patton College of Education at Ohio University-Athens, and faculty and early childhood programs' coordinator for Ohio University-Chillicothe. Her research interests include international and domestic mentoring and coaching, teacher leadership and advocacy, education diplomacy, glocal curriculum development, creativity and mindfulness practices in P-20 classrooms and beyond. She is co-editor of the volume Mentoring for the professions: Orienting toward the future and the special edition journal "Global Early Childhood: Programs and Practices" for the Global Education Review. Dr. Trube has more than 35-peer reviewed publications that include book chapters, journal articles, and teaching materials; and more than 75-presentations at state, regional, national, and international conferences. She describes herself as an engaged scholar, life-long learner, and international mentor.