MA Child Development and Family Education


The family is a child's first school and parents are their first teachers. As such, the quality of family education directly affects children's physical and mental health. With the rapid growth of information technology in the 21st Century, the next generation of parents are experiencing unprecedented challenges and changes to the common family structure, leading to an increasing emphasis on child development and family education.

At present, however, there is a clear lack of family education professionals to meet this growing need. These new professionals must not only understand child development, but also be qualified to provide therapeutic relief for families struggling in the modern world.

This MA programme aims to help learners gain in-depth knowledge, skills and hands-on experience in child development and family education through the combination of research-led and practice-oriented modules. It focuses on the cultivation of transferrable skills and innovative thinking in order to guarantee our graduates great success in their future career, as well as provide the foundation for the home-school-community education paradigm that is rapidly gaining traction throughout society.


  • Immersion in studies of cutting edge theories and successful case studies, as well as broad and localised knowledge to further the study, understanding, and support of children throughout their development
  • Interdisciplinary and diversified curriculum able to meet the market demand for CDFE professionals, covering education, psychology, sociology, demography and cultural research
  • Research-led and practice-oriented modules, including credit-bearing internship opportunities for all students
  • Six hundred hours of additional supervised learning activities throughout the programme
  • An international learning environment with English as the language of instruction, providing learning opportunities with child development and family education experts and scholars
  • The opportunity to earn a University of Liverpool degree that is recognised by the Chinese Ministry of Education.


Students in the MA in Child Development and Family Education programme will:

  • gain a critical understanding of key issues, concepts, and theories of child development and family education
  • understand the multiple influential factors of child development and family education from a diversified perspective
  • learn the core knowledge and concepts related to child development and family education, as well as the methods and intervention strategies needed to provide support for families and children
  • master the skills and means to assess and evaluate child development and the quality of family education
  • acquire professional experience through case analysis and teaching practice
  • conduct scientific research projects and independent learning.


The completion of additional learning activities is required to obtain your master degree. The programme includes a total of 600 hours of Additional Learning Activities, most of which are chosen individually by students. Normally, required ALA hours will be distributed evenly across each semester, amounting to 200 hours per semester. Part-time programmes will normally require 100 to 150 hours per semester. They should normally be spread equally over teaching semesters and the summer and winter breaks.


Modules may be scheduled between 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM and from Monday to Saturday.


Graduates from this programme will be well prepared to either further their study for an EdD or PhD, or obtain employment in numerous teaching and administrative positions related to child development and family education. Possible employers include K-12 public or international schools; educational and research institutions; social and governmental organisations; children, youth and women activity centres, etc.