Outstanding achievement display of teacher teaching innovation of Sino-foreign cooperative education

    Registration period :2017.07.13 ~ 2017.10.31
    Activity period:2017.07.13 ~ 2018.06.01
    Host:China Education Association for International Exchange
    Co-Organizer:Institute of Leadership and Education Advanced Development of XJTLU



The teachers and teaching teams who teach courses for students by using languages other than Chinese (such as English, French, Russian, etc.) in the university and the second level college of Chinese-foreign cooperative education, or in the process of education and teaching of Chinese-foreign cooperative education project.


Exhibition standard

This activity advocates and encourages innovative teaching concepts and methods that meet needs of the times and the future, and such innovation can be used by other educational practitioners for reference; encourages teaching innovation to take promotion of students' learning experience as the core of attention, and focuses on how much the students' learning experience has been improved by the innovative teaching practice of teachers; excavates the typical cases of promoting students' learning and growth foreign in the teaching of professional courses of foreign language teaching. The investigation criteria include the following three aspects:

  • Innovativeness (50%): create new teaching concepts, policies and methods aiming at students' learning and growth needs;

  • Influence power (30%): students' learning experiences and learning outcomes have been significantly improved through the innovative practice;

  • Popularity (20%): the teaching innovation has certain universality and has popularizing value in the teaching of non Chinese taught professional courses and even in the reform of all courses in Chinese universities.


Application Materials

The participants need to elaborate at least one semester of innovative practices, to analyze procedural materials and data, and to detail the methods and results of measuring student benefits. Application materials are as follows:

  • Contest application form

  • Personal / team photos

  • Micro video within 5 minutes or PPT within 20 pages

All materials are needed to be integrated into the compressed package and named in a unified way as: Ch-For. Cooperative Edu. + school name + teacher name + theme; for example: Ch-For. Cooperative Edu. + XX School + Teacher XX + Research-led Teaching. Click HERE to upload the material, or enter the link in the browser: http://ilead.xjtlu.edu.cn/activity/28


Specific requirements are as follows:

  • Activity application form: it contains the personal resume and a written Readme at around 2,000 words (it is necessary to state clearly that in what aspects does the participants' teaching practices benefit the students and the related graphic evidence, the key innovations in teaching practices, and the popularity of this innovation) , submitted in the WORD document format.

  • Photo: it must be the photo of applicant himself or the teaching team, and can be a formal suit photo or teaching scene photo. Photo size is no more than 1M.

  • Micro video within 5 minutes or PPT within 20 pages: the content should include at least the innovation practice introduction, workmate/student assessment and teaching scene. The video is required to be with clear and stable images, reasonable composition, clear sound, etc. 

  • Material language: Chinese. In order to ensure the accuracy of the material content, for the exhibited work whose working language is not Chinese, the participating teacher or institution is asked to translate all the materials by itself.

  • Submission method: all materials are needed to be integrated into the compressed package named in a unified way as: Ch-For. Cooperative Edu. + school name + teacher name + theme; for example: Ch-For. Cooperative Edu. + XX School + Teacher XX + Research-led Teaching.



  • The institutions and projects for Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Education shall be based on the list of institutions and projects approved and reviewed by the Ministry of Education in March 9, 2017.

  • In the mass voting section, each voter may vote one ticket separately for at most five different contestants throughout the activity, and malicious ticket brushing behavior is strictly prohibited.

  • In mass voting section, the Committee will pay closely attention to the background data of the voting, and conduct voting behavior analysis according to the aspects of overall trend of votes, voting period, voting IP sources, etc. If the contestant's votes appear non-technical abnormal situation and have the ticket brushing suspicion, the Committee will firstly suspend the contestant's voting, start the investigation procedure immediately, and request the contestant to provide the corresponding evidence in 24 hours to explain the change of the votes. If the contestant fails to provide evidence or the provided material is inconsistent with voting behavior, the Organizing Committee will have the right to deduct the abnormal votes. If the contestant has such similar situation for the second time, the Organizing Committee will have the right to cancel his/her competition.

  • The Committee has the right to use the application materials provided by participants in the contest, can public publish the relevant contest on the Committee’s official website, WeChat public number and micro-blog, and use them in the external media and publications.

  • All the participants who apply for registration are deemed to have read the rules carefully and agree to the content stated in the detailed rules.


Contact information

This activity is undertaken by the Institute of Leadership and Education Advanced Development of XJTLU

Contacts: Guan Junzhe 0512-88161211;  Yi Lin 0512-88161893

E-mail address:Innovation@xjtlu.edu.cn

Contact address: Room 413, International Scientific Research Bldg., South Campus of Xi’an JiaoTong-Liverpool University, No. 111 Ren’ai Road, Dushu Lake Science & Education Innovation District, Suzhou Industrial Park, China 


Attachment download

1. Letter on inviting to attend the outstanding achievement display of nationwide teaching innovation of Chinese-foreign cooperative education.pdf

2. 中外合作办学成果展示申请表模板2018.doc

Contest Judges

The Letter-comment Committee is mainly composed of practitioners of various disciplines and education and curriculum researchers in the field of higher education within the international scope.

Contest Process

Works Exhibition 更多





关于专业核心理论课程Contemporary Issues内容创新拓展研究

Contemporary Issues是英国南安普顿大学温彻斯特艺术学院服装设计专业与视觉传达专业的一门专业核心理论必修课程,授课主要面向二年级学生。该课程关注当代与服装设计和平面设计有关的主题,开发多种与文化相关的流行、热点议题,增强学生的自主思考能力和跨文化学习能力。授课目的是在认识与理解问题、认知思维技能以及知识的灵活运用三个方面方面对学生进行能力的培养。








嵌入式创业教育模式的创业课程 “三部曲”,以跨学科及项目训练为媒介,开展大一至大四的全周期“课内外”教学体系。通过真实商业环境“浸润式学习”,培养创新思维与企业家精神,打造由理论师资、行业人士、风投、创业校友组成的“课程生态圈”。现已推广至中国科学院,并与卡拉奇商学院、悉尼科技大学等机构达成合作意向。

Past Review

Test 001
